Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow Day= Domestic House Wife

Whew! I needed this snow day! My laundry has gone out of control again and so has my kitchen. I also am very appreciative of this snow day because I'm recovering from a sinus's been nice to rest but get things done too!

For resting: finished the book Heaven is for Real By: Todd and Sonia Burpo. It was simply amazing and I definitely recommend it! The link is under my Books read in 2011 page. I also watched a few Cosby Show episodes on netflix and a disney channel movie on netflix...I'm a sucker for silly kid movies!

For Domestic House wife: I made Monkey Bread this morning but it didn't turn out quite right. Check for the pictures and recipe tomorrow on Friday's Four New Recipes! I cleaned out the oven. I organized the pantry (tried to upload pictures but my sd card reader isn't working and my camera cord is at school, Boo!), the kitchen is almost cleaned, organized the "junk" drawer haha, laundry, and am getting ready to make dinner.

For teacher duties: worked on some reading comprehension activities and worked on making the valentine's I'm giving to my class.

I feel it was a productive day, indeed!

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