My brother, Jacob, and his jet ski. We had so much fun taking turns riding on it!
The beautiful Summersville Lake!
My parents silly dog, tanner. He was afraid of the shutter noise on my camera and hid under my parents bed.Well Ya'll, I thought I'd start off with the pictures to get ya hooked! (Actually I thought I could just move the pictures down so I could write first, but let's be honest, I'm tired and wanted to write this post before I forgot to!) We had such a great time over labor day weekend. It was great getting to be with my parents and brothers. Derek and I left Friday after school and didn't get to my parents until late. We then stayed there and got up the next morning to drive to Summersville Lake (about 2 hours away from mom and dad's). We got there, relaxed, went on my brother's jet ski, layed on rafts in the lake, ate, made a camp fire, etc. Sunday morning, my brother Adam ran 11 miles with me for my half marathon training. I did it in 2:45. Wish I could've been a little faster but we had to go down and up this HUGE MASSIVE GINORMOUS hill that was about 1/2 mile long. Sunday afternoon we relaxed with some friends, The Hunts, from my parents church (the church I grew up in) on their boat! We had a blast! Derek also water skiied for the first time and got up on the first try! He looked awesome! Monday came too soon and we had to say our goodbyes and head home.
Luckily tomorrow is already Wednesday!! Hoping I can jump back on to what I'm loving and pinteresting wednesdays tomorrow. If not, I know you'll still love me, right?
What did you do over Labor day weekend? Travel or stay home?
Have a wonderful, restful evening!

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