I'm linking up for the first time with Brunch with Amber and A Complete Waste of Makeup to bring you
It's Ok Thursday!!!
Here it goes:
It's OK:
*That I cut a mile short from my run tonight because it was getting dark and our complex workout room's treadmills STINK!
*That blogging has taken a back seat because school is CRAZY!
*That I have so many posts I want to write but don't have time to.
*If I want to go to bed before 9 pm some nights.
*If I have 255 posts to read in my google reader and sometimes click "Mark all as read"
That was so fun and I'll have to link up again. I'm running 8 miles of the Women's half race course on Saturday with my friend, Emily, who is running it with me. Only one more week until I complete half marathon #4. It is so hard to believe. I also had my first formal observation under the new Tennessee teacher eval. system. I think and hope that it went well. 1 down 5 more to go....ugh! Have a great Friday, Ya'll!

It's ok is one of my most used quotes. I could relate to all of yours minus the running ones. I only ran a mile. HAHA! I hope you had a great Friday!
I hate not having time to blog all that is in my head, but school comes first. :) And I to go to bed many nights before 9pm.
Love your blog name!
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