Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Family Dinner Night at the Farm

Hey Y'all!

One of my favorite nights of the week is when we all get together to share a meal together. You see, we live out on *almost* 27 acres of land. In *hopefully* a month or a little over, my in laws house and my sister in laws and brother in laws house will be finished.

For now, we have been hosting a family dinner night at our house since November. I stay at home with little girl now so I thought it would be nice to cook a meal for everyone mid week. It takes some planning and prepping to make a meal for 8 people, two of which have food allergies (corn and gluten) but I have found some great go to recipes that everyone can enjoy!

We love these recipes:

We've also made burgers, meatloaf, chicken and more.

Tonight on the menu: crockpot chicken, sweet potato casserole and sautéed asparagus!

What's on your menu for tonight? I'm always looking for great new recipes to try!

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