Friday- Derek and I went over to our friends, Amos and Jessica's, house for dessert and card games. We got to see our sweet Hudson, whom we babysit for occasionally. He is so funny and smart for an almost 2 1/2 year old! Jessica made an awesome chocolate pie and apple crisp with vanilla ice cream! YUM!
Saturday- Derek and I made it out in the freezing cold to the gun range to meet up with our friends, TJ and Heather. It was a good time but I was freezing with many layers on. That afternoon, I met up with Emily and back up with Heather for some great shopping in Cool Springs! I got some skinny jeans from Forever 21 for 10 bucks and that's what they are regularly priced at! I LOVE THEM! After 3 hours of shopping, browsing, and eating a piece of cookie cake from The Great American Cookie Company, we went our separate ways. Derek and I went to our Sunday School teacher's house, who is also our pastor's wife. We were having a Sunday School chili/movie night. The night was a blast, with laughs, serious boy watching football, and lots of tasty soups and desserts!
Sunday- I love Sundays. Period. I love our church, our church family, our pastor, the worship, everything. We had a prayer service yesterday. Those services are one of my favorite and our pastor does them about every 2 months. He leads the congregation in several different types of prayers or concentration of the prayers. For example, praying praise to God, giving thanks. Prayers for yourself, family and others. Prayer for our nation. Prayer for our ministries through our church, etc. Then our pastor give an opportunity to be anointed. It is such a spirit-filled service and is like a breath of fresh air.
After church and Sunday school, we headed over to Derek's sister and brother in law's house for lunch. We had a wonderful fall Sunday afternoon drive to look at some land for sale and the colors were beautiful! Our Bible study met last night and even though we had some missing, it was a meaningful, real, night filled with pouring our hearts out and being real with each other. I am so blessed to have these girls in my life to listen to me, help me understand some things, and be my support system.
If you read all the way though, CONGRATS! Thanks for sticking with me. I wanted to remember this weekend because of it's simplicity yet busyness and for its beauty.
Have a wonderful Monday!